Scrolling speed (not autoscroll)

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Scrolling speed (not autoscroll)

Post by SaFeTyPe »

I searched the forums to no avail: Is it possible to change the scrolling speed? I have a touchpad that will scroll when vertically moving up or down with two fingers touching it. Scrolling e.g. in Opera browser is significantly faster than in Akelpad. In Akelpad, I have to do I think 2-3x more movement to get the same effect. Scrolling in Opera is still very precise.

Thanks for clarification.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

Hello, this turns out to be a real problem in everyday use, unfortunately. Have have to scroll like mad, and I cannot change the system mouse speed because it would effect all other programs (too fast there, then) :-(

I spent another 30 minutes tediously searching the Akelforum in Russian (!)... It seems like this cannot be changed right now?

If so, I would like to make this a feature request, please. I sadly cannot use Akelpad efficiently othewise. Thank you. Also, I found no way to show my appreciation by making a (small!) donation, like at least for server cost etc.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

^^ Sorry, yet more requests...: The line-by-line scrolling is hard on the eye, there should be smooth scrolling in addition to scrolling speed adjustment... Essentially, if AkelPad scrolled just like e.g. Opera Browser, it would be perfect.

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Post by KDJ »

Middle button click?

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

I have a relatively new (2014) laptop with a Synaptics touchpad and I cannot get any type of middle click to work in that way. I did everything possible in settings. I don't think this is the path to go, I think the default scrolling should behave as I described, not some special middle-click thing that many users cannot use.

The normal scrolling works on my touchpad by either moving two fingers vertically (this is perfect), or alternatively by moving one finger along the right side of the touchpad.

The two-finger scrolling works perfectly in Opera, and in Akelpad it works, but with the problems described above (too slow, not smooth).

EDIT: # Even if I did get it to work, no-one would want to be using three-finger clicks all the time. They are uncomfortable and prone to error (two instead of three fingers), and difficult to do on smaller touchpads with larger hands. (Typically three-finger is reserved for middle click emulation.)

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Post by Drugmix »

It is the problem of the poor device users, I suppose they have the same problem with lots of programs, so it's not the optimal solution to just patch up one of them.
I don't think it's needed in AkelPad.

I would suggest to bind a key or a hotkey to send middle click and then use AutoScroll.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

But this has nothing to do with autoscroll. Even if I had a middle mouse button, this would not solve the issue. I do not want to autoscroll at all.

There's no point in asking for a middle mouse button because

1. 90% of laptops do not have an easy way to access the middle mouse button. You cannot force humankind to buy only Thinkpads.

2. the function already works in Akelpad with ###***EDIT: ... with standandard touchpad scroll behavior such as two finger scrolling or two border scrolling ***### (((previously I _falsely_ wrote: "Right Mouse Button"))), all that needs to be done is a small adjustment of speed (and perhaps of smoothness (instead of line-by-line)). -> If the middle mouse button were used for this, then the ###EDIT: touchpad default scroll functionality### had no reasonable function any more for the user because the middle mouse button would do the SAME thing, just faster and smoother.

Again, this has nothing to do with auto-scrolling, a middle mouse button on TOUCHPADS, or the fact that 90% of mobile users do NOT have a middle mouse button (this applies to many Lenovo models, and to Samsung, Sony (RIP), ASUS, NEC).

I think the issue is pretty much straightforward. I hope other users will join in with the feature request :-)

Please note that this may also depend on the number of lines displayed. If you use a large font with large inter-line spacing, and have your mouse set to very fast, and possibly on a smaller lower res screen, then you might not experience sluggish scrolling as much as I do. (That's the point in having it user-adjustable.)

Sorry for being persistent on this one :-D
Last edited by SaFeTyPe on Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Drugmix »

AutoScroll gives you smooth scrolling. Not the way you wanted it, but still.
1. I didn't suggest to force anyone buy anything, I suggested a way out for those poor people without middle mouse button.
2. I don't know what function you are talking about, for me right click opens the context menu.

There is no point in having full fanciness (like smooth scrolling is) in a text editor.
SaFeTyPe wrote:Please note that this may also depend on the number of lines displayed. If you use a large font with large inter-line spacing, and have your mouse set to very fast, and possibly on a smaller lower res screen, then you might not experience sluggish scrolling as much as I do. (That's the point in having it user-adjustable.)
So you are basically saying that you've adjusted scrolling sensitivity poorly and want the author to fix it for you by adding a feature that no one else has ever asked for?
Yeah, seems much reasonable.

If you are having issues with scrolling on your device - you need a solution for all programs, not just one.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

Let's continue the bantering a bit ;-D

0. So it's not relevant as an answer and has never been :-P
1. Again, the middle mouse button is a red herring. It has nothing whatsoever to do with my feature suggestion. The middle mouse button is not needed for scrolling, I am only asking for a mere IMPROVEMENT over already existing behavior.
2. You are absolutely right, this was a mistake on my part. Sorry. On my touchpad,
(1) two finger touch (short touch) does a right click (default configuration)
(2) two finger move does vertical scrolling (and also horizontal scrolling) (default configuration)
(3) moving one finger at the right border of the mouse pad also does vertical scrolling (just like 2).

(My mistake was to claim that it has to do with the right mouse button because it also requires *two* fingers. So I falsely thought that with a real mouse, rightmousebuttondown + move would also do scrolling. Sorry again for the confusion.) (***: I have edited previous posts to refer to this clarifcation.)
In other words, I am talking about the scrolling behavior that is typical on touchpads when moving two finger up/down, and when moving one finger at the right border up/down.
It is not reasonable to try to solve the scrolling behavior by a system-wide setting. It could be that one prefers slow, line-by-line scrolling in text editor 1, and smooth&fast scrolling in text editor 2. Scrolling behavior should ideally be configurable for every single program.
As I said I tested lots of editors before I decided Akelpad was the best. Just FYI,
(a) some of them exhibit the same behavior as Akelpad does (one line at a time) when using a touchpad's scrolling feature (two finger/right border),
(b) some exhibit a behavior where as many lines are scrolled at once as is defined in mouse settings, mouse wheel, and
(c) some have excellent support for smooth scrolling:
Check out "Sublime Text as an example for a text editor capable of smooth(er) scrolling. And it seems one can also define scrolling speed very precisely as a multiple/fraction of 1.0 (like 0.5, 2.3). Very nice implementation of smooth scrolling there. However Sublime Text seems to do a compromise between line-by-line scrolling and smooth (rolling) scrolling. Ideally, Akelpad should do perfectly rolling (smooth) scrolling just like Browsers do, plus a user-defined factor to increase/decrease the speed.

It could look like this:

[X] smooth scrolling instead of line-by-line
[0.40] scrolling speed {0.10 ... 10.00, 1.00=default}

scrolling speed should affect both line-by-line and smooth scrolling.

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Post by Drugmix »

So you crave for smooth scrolling with acceleration. You say Sublime Text has it. Are you happy?
Outside Sublime text - no you are not, because most of other programs don't have it.
You need those features work system-wide, not in just some specific programs.
There are lots of utils that provide such a feature. System-wide.
In my opinion, there's no point in asking for such a feature from a small text editor that tries to stay small, even though generally speaking it would be an improvement.
In other words: not every improvement is desired.
Text editor shouldn't have it's own proxy support, nor it should have it's own, say, web synchronization support, nor it should have an archive support...
Those are tasks for other programs and so is smooth scrolling with acceleration.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

No, the user needs individual scrolling configuration PER PROGRAM. Some programs need faster scrolling than others. Some users prefer a different kind of scrolling behavior (line-by-line/smoothness/speed) than others. And some programs need different scrolling speeds WITHIN the program (e.g. scrolling a list of emails vs. scrolling an opened email). It's the problem of each individual program if it does not let the user adjust this. The system-wide settings are already configurable with regard to scrolling speed (in mouse pointer settings). This does not help much if the resulting max speed is still too slow in some individual programs, or if some programs implement it as exclusively line-by-line. (Also I am talking about speed adjustment, not acceleration.)

If a feature is basic, useful, ergonomic, and does not cause instability, then it should be added also to an application that tries to stay small. We do not have a lack of resources that we would have to sacrifice ergonomics to save a few KB.

Just accept that I would like to have it that way, and you not. Case closed.

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Post by Drugmix »

If you say about per-program solution - it's still a solution above those programs, it's system-wide with per-program settings.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

I understand. You're right in that regard. (But still it does not help if MS does not provide a solution. Just look at iOS: Developers there are constantly implementing features WITHIN the Apps to circumvent the shortcomings of iOS. There's a reason why these App sell well.)

Perhaps smooth scrolling is more difficult to implement, than a mere speed-up? I suggested two things, speed adjustment and smoothness. Do you think a mere speed-adjustment option (factor) is also difficult/complex? I surely find an speed increase more important than smoothness. Thanks for your answer. I guess we are finally coming to an end here :-D

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Post by Instructor »

Most likely your request to Synaptics touchpad driver I guess message it sends to edit window is WM_VSCROLL with SB_LINE* or SB_THUMBTRACK.

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Post by SaFeTyPe »

in a related matter, dragging text beyond the visible page is very erratic. (I am using a 1440p screen @125% with Segoe 10):When I drag text to the top or bottom borders, there seem to be two very narrow areas. The first area will scroll at a medium speed and the second at a high speed.

The problem is that dragging text from somewhere in the screen to the border requires a relatively long distance (say e.g. 1000px.) The user will want to make this movement quickly. This means that when the user arrives at the border, due to the speed of the previous movement he cannot have the delicacy to stop exactly in the FIRST, narrow scrolling area in order to scroll slowly. Also he cannot exactly estimate where which area begins. Instead, the user will often inadvertently scroll much too fast.

Due to today's high variety of screen sizes, resolutions and magnification scales -- and of course with respect to personal preferences -- one (i.e., Instructor ;-) ) might want to consider allowing for and adjustment in these areas: Both concerning the height of the scrolling-sensitive areas at the top and bottom, and the scrolling speeds, and also perhaps the amount of scrolling-sensitve areas per border (I guess there's two per border, at the moment?)

(Surely the ability to adjust the scrolling speed of normal scrolling (i.e., non drag-and-drop, typically "two-finger up/down") as I requested earlier remains of similar or even higher importance than the above.)

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